Welcome to PYCS!


(Predict Your CropS, pronounced like pisces)

Crop Yield Prediction

And What-If Tool

PYCS is a What-If tool. Submit your data in .csv format, and PYCS will give you its best prediction of crop yields (alfalfa) given your data. PYCS uses machine learning models to forecast crop yields, so this tool can help you plan for shortages or surpluses based on factors like rain, temperature, solar radiation, and more. What if reality ends up closely resembling the details you provide? What if historical trends continue into the future? These are the questions PYCS intends to answer! (Please allow 1 week for results.)
File Format: .csv, minimum 2 columns - (1) date_of_cut (mm/dd/yyyy) and (2) yield (tons/acre).
File Format: .csv, minimum 2 columns - (1) year_of_cut (yyyy) and (2) yield (tons/acre).
Features You Are Providing:
Prediction Accuracy: